You are Here: About Daisy > Biography Daisy MacLean was born in Toronto, Canada to a fashion and costume designer who worked, among other things, on the then fledgling Second City Stage Troupe. Literally being raised within the theatre, Daisy developed a passion for the arts at a young age, sneaking on stage during a recital, at the age of four, to perform “Memories” from the musical, Cats. In 1985, she made her first venture into the recording studio for a vinyl record made with The York Montessori School and two years later she joined The Canadian Children’s Opera Chorus where she recorded three more albums with them, one of which won the national award for Outstanding Choral Record.
Daisy returned to Canada and the arts in 2006 to work on a second degree at Ryerson University in Image Arts: Film. A year later, she was inducted into The Golden Key International Honours Society in recognition of her academic excellence. Her company expanded to include artist management and changed its name to Between Worlds Entertainment. In 2008, Ryerson presented her with the William F White Award of Merit for her final year production. At present, Daisy works within the Canadian music industry and is working on her first feature film, Bought The T-Shirt, a documentary exploring the relationship between punk music and politics. The production diary for the film is being published on, the Web Site for Chart Magazine, a consumer level Music Magazine with a readership of over 50,000. Her diary will be published for the duration of the film's production. When the film is released, Chart will publish a special issue of their magazine dedicated to her and her film. |